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How Nissan Increased Conversion Through AI and Machine Learning
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To improve test drive conversion rates with a wider variety of audiences, we used artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help Nissan understand their digital customers at scale and evolve to meet their needs, from discovery to trial.

The Imperative for Change

As car shopping shifts online, every automaker needs to strengthen their digital experience. For Nissan, that meant unifying the brand across 190 markets in 105 countries and translating vast amounts of data into actionable insights. Adding to the complexity, Nissan possessed limited people resources and needed to look beyond the global aggregate to deliver a customized experience and maximize conversion in each market.

The Transformative Solution

The PACE digital showroom consolidates Nissan’s data assets from 190 markets and 105 countries into a single platform. Using AI and machine learning, PACE analyzes global visitor metrics to identify both positive and negative performance anomalies specific to each market. PACE also employs the latest algorithmic technology to help the automaker prioritize efforts that are expected to have the greatest customer impact, as well as the highest return on investment.


The Business Impact

With the deployment of PACE, Nissan has effectively reduced friction and churn while significantly increasing conversion rates—all without any major workforce investments. Check out the results so far:


Significant increase in test drives across all markets, including 900% in one Asian Market
Consistent digital experience across 190 markets in 105 countries
Sizable growth in “contact a dealer” leads
Data points continuously analyzed

Our Partner

  • AWS logo

    To ensure PACE platform is able to scale for unpredictable visitor pattern from across the globe, it leverages the secure, resilient and scalable infrastructure on Amazon Web Services. The cloud platform built by Publicis Sapient is spread across 4 regions with 100+ environments, 500+ EC2 instances and adopts the end-to-end automation principles leveraging Cloud Formation, Chef, Blue Green deployments, auto-scaling groups and multiple other technologies, thus improving efficiencies due to repeatable patterns and also providing better security and audit-trails.

Alyssa Altman
Alyssa Altman
Transportation & Mobility Lead, Americas
Philip Beil
Philip Beil
Senior Vice President, Industry Lead Transportation & Mobility International