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Metro Nashville Davidson County

How Our Digital Solution Connects the People & Government of Nashville, TN

Amplifying the voice of the people to ensure impactful public responses.

When it comes to running a city, emergencies are not the only situations that warrant specialized attention and oversight. In fact, the success of a community depends heavily on how efficiently critical non-emergencies are managed. When a streetlight isn’t working, overgrowth is blocking the right of way, trash doesn’t get picked up or a pothole becomes a nuisance, who should people turn to? And will they be satisfied with the response time and proposed solutions? We teamed up with Metro Nashville Davidson County, Tennessee, to increase accessibility to government services and help empower one of the country’s largest cities with data-driven decision-making. Now, Nashville residents are able to solve daily problems and contact local representatives with ease.

Nashville skyline

The Imperative for Change

In the past, there was no standardized way for Nashville’s population to report issues or communicate with local representatives. Complaints were not being efficiently addressed, and response actions from the city were often delayed and disjointed. Plus, residents had no way of tracking the progress of their inquiries. Because there was no singular digital platform to support and productively enhance resident touchpoints, we aimed to future-proof the city of Nashville for the digital landscape of tomorrow. 

The Transformative Solution

When Metro Nashville Davidson County reached out to Publicis Sapient for their digital transformation of resident services, our shared goal was to make public services more accessible and help local government gather data for more impactful outreach strategies. We collaboratively built the hubNashville 311 communication center, a multipurpose portal designed to efficiently address community and governmental concerns. Not only can residents conveniently log their issues on web and mobile, but Metro can also track, prioritize, triage and automate workflows around all the data collected through hubNashville.

hub Nashville app on mobile device

The Impact

With more than a million incident submissions, the platform has been transformational in addressing resident concerns. Residents can conveniently access hundreds of services—all of which are available in multiple languages. With all case management and service delivery tracking in the cloud, Nashville was able to boost resident satisfaction, improve resolution timelines and impactfully resolve and prevent community issues. And while hubNashville was designed specifically for non-emergencies, it has also been invaluable in the city’s responses to major events like snowstorms, tornadoes and even the COVID-19 pandemic. Our modern omnichannel platform means that residents are being heard, and their representatives can proactively coordinate city-wide responses to protect their community.

Before Digital Business Transformation:

  • No standardized processes for community issues
  • Lack of communication between residents and representatives
  • Legacy processes hindered efficiency and productivity
  • Local government primarily served English speakers

After Digital Business Transformation:

  • More than 1 million service incidents submitted across many Metro departments
  • Digitized and streamlined public service management
  • Data generation and tracking informs future decisions
  • Singular platform supports 6 languages on the web and mobile
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson
East Region Managing Director, State & Local Industry