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Press Release

Publicis.Sapient Delivers Next Phase of European DataWarehouse

Supporting EBA Data Templates for Non-Performing Loans

Provides common EU data set for the screening, financial due diligence and valuation during NPL transactions


*Note: Publicis.Sapient is now Publicis Sapient as of February 13, 2019.

March 7, 2018 — Frankfurt, Germany — Publicis.Sapient the world’s most advanced digital transformation company, today announced the latest enhancement to the European DataWarehouse (ED), supporting the development of the Non-Performing Loans (NPL) markets and the European Banking Authority (EBA) data templates.

ED is the first and the only European data repository for loan-level data stemming from Asset Backed Securities (ABS). It was established under European Central Bank’s (ECB) loan-level initiative in 2013. The market initiative was setup in partnership with Publicis.Sapient with the objective of reviving investor confidence in the European ABS market. Today more than 400 issuers, investors, central banks and other data users utilise ED’s data infrastructure.

In December 2017, following a specific mandate from the European Commission and the European Council, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published templates to allow banks to supply standard, quality data on NPLs to reduce the information asymmetries between potential buyers and sellers of NPLs.

The EBA specified: “An extended use of the templates is expected to widen the investor base, lower entry barriers to potential investors, improve data quality and availability, support price discovery and facilitate the development of the NPL secondary market.”

ED will now be collecting test files for NPLs, in accordance with reporting templates developed by EBA, until the end of June 2018. As the infrastructure partner, Publicis.Sapient has worked with ED to provide a unique data repository platform for banks, servicers and other market participants to collect, validate and disseminate NPL data based on the guidelines and templates published the European Banking Authority.

“We’re delighted to support the development of ED and deliver this latest enhancement. By providing a unique, cloud based platform for the collection of NPL test data, ED is giving the opportunity for banks, servicers and other market participants to get familiar with the EBA templates and more specifically, the loan level reporting for residential mortgages and loans to small and medium corporations,” said Bernd Harnisch, vice president of consulting at Publicis.Sapient.

We welcome EBA’s launch of the NPL standardised templates providing a common set of fields enhancing data availability, quality and comparability. Building on the ABS experience, ED is delighted to bring its knowledge and skills in offering a platform for testing NPL data along with the opportunity for NPL market participants to familiarise themselves with the EBA templates,” commented Dr. Christian Thun, CEO of European Data Warehouse.

“Sapient provided us strong, reliable and professional support for this project. I want to thank everyone for their commitment and successful completion, which is fantastic, especially given the tight deadline”, said Eirini Kanoni, Vice President Business Development & Regulatory Affairs at European DataWarehouse.


March 7, 2018