It’s important for wealth managers to understand that this too will pass and macrotrends will change. Countries and businesses that handle the crisis better will come out stronger than others. The balance of economic power will likely shift.
Travel and hospitality have already suffered significant losses and these are all but guaranteed to continue until a semblance of our previous reality is restored. For a variety of reasons, other sectors will boom and become even more vital to our lives.
Healthcare, for instance, is an essential part of our entire system and has been woefully underfunded up until this point.
Other sectors, such as online retail, were previously seen as nonessential luxuries for people who didn’t have time to go shopping or were perhaps too lazy to leave their homes. Now it’s clear that online retail wasn’t just a convenience but a crucial part of our new world.
Digital-first financial firms are better suited to handle the current predicament given that their entire business model is predicated upon frictionless service from anywhere at any time. That’s exactly what customers need at a time like this. But it’s also what they want during simpler times anyway.