Public Sector
The Digital Transformation Index: A Roadmap to Digital Excellence in Government
Digital transformation within the public sector realm focuses on the ongoing application of modern technology to improve the outcomes and performance of agencies.
Across the globe, governments at all levels are undergoing digital transformation to deliver their services more efficiently, transparently and effectively. It is improving the quality of service and mission outcomes, as well as improving the cost at which those services are delivered.
Digital transformation in the public sector has become an imperative rather than something that is “nice to do.” Just like in the commercial sector, the U.S. government finds itself engaging with citizens who have become more digitally capable and who expect more digitally intuitive services. Citizens and customers alike are accustomed to one digital level with commercial applications and want to continue at that level when dealing with government agencies.
To achieve their digital transformation objectives, agencies must engage in effective measurements.
From data to direction: How government agencies can measure their progress toward digital maturity
The U.S. is among the top ten countries globally when it comes to e-government according to a United Nations e-government survey used in the Global Innovation Index. However, within each of the top ten countries and especially within the U.S. government, there are agencies that are at different levels of digital maturity.
To reach higher, more consistent levels of digital maturity, government organizations need a clear, consistent and data-driven approach to navigate their digital transformation journey. The Digital Transformation Index (DTI) provides this approach, offering a comprehensive view to measure digital maturity, identify strengths and opportunities, map solutions, prioritize investments and benchmark performance.
Agencies need not spend enormous amounts of time measuring their performance. Rather, they should have a handy, agile and useful index to help them understand the situation at hand so that they can design or improve their digital roadmap.