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AODA Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Introduction and Commitment
Publicis Sapient (the “Company”) is committed to providing goods and services to people with disabilities in a manner that respects their dignity and independence. Persons with disabilities must have an equal opportunity to use and benefit from our goods, services and facilities. We strive to identify, prevent or remove barriers to accessibility and at all times meet our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”).
As part of our commitment to meeting our obligations under the AODA, the Company has developed a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan which outlines our strategy in the prevention and removal of such barriers. The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated by the Company at least once every five (5) years, and as required under AODA.
Accessibility Policies and Plan
Status: Complete
The Company has:
- Developed an Accessibility Policy that is publicly available on our website and available in accessible formats upon request. The Accessibility Policy sets out how the Company achieves the requirements applicable to the Company, under the IAS, in respect of Accessible Customer Service, Information and Communication, as well as the Built Environment and Design of Public Spaces.
- Developed an an Accessibility in Employment Policy that sets out how the Company achieves the requirements under the IAS in respect of accessibility in employment.
- Established, implemented and will maintain this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
- Included within the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan a statement of commitment to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner.
- Made this Multi-Year Accessibility Plan available to the public on its website and in accessible formats upon request.
Status: Complete
The Company:
- Provides training as required under the AODA, appropriate to the duties of its employees, volunteers, including those who are involved in the development, approval, monitoring or implementation of the Company’s customer service policies, practices and procedures about the provision of goods and services to the public and/or third parties, as well as any other persons acting on the Company’s behalf to provide its goods and services to the public and/or third parties. Training is provided on:
o The purposes of the AODA and the requirements of its Customer Service Standard.
o How to identity, prevent and remove barriers to accessible communication.
o How to provide information through a communication support or accessible format.
o The Company’s policies, practices and procedures with respect to accessibility and any changes to same.
o The provisions the Ontario Human Rights Code pertaining to disability.
o How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability.
o How to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or the assistance of a support person.
o How to use equipment or devices available on the Company’s premises or otherwise provided by the Company that may help with the provision of goods or services to a person with a disability.
o What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing the provider’s goods or services.
- The Company provides revised training in the event of changes to the Company’s practices or legislative requirements.
- The Company maintains records of the dates when training is completed and the number of individuals who completed the training.
Accessible Customer Service
Status: Complete
The Company meets all of its obligations under the Customer Service Standards set out in the Integrated Accessibility Standards of the AODA (the “IAS”). In addition to the required training set out above, the Company:
- Ensures its employees communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account each person’s particular disability.
- Permits service animals and support persons on its premises where the public or third parties normally have access as required under the AODA, unless prohibited by law.
- Has a feedback process in place for receiving feedback from the public about how we are providing services to people with disabilities.
- Has made the feedback process publicly available on its website and available in accessible formats.
- Notifies the public of a current or anticipated disruption in any facilities or services provided by the Company to enable people with disabilities to access its services, along with the reason and anticipated duration of the disruption, and alternative facilities or services if available.
Information and Communications Standards
A. Accessible Websites and Web Content
Status: Not Applicable
If in the event the Company establishes an Ontario internet we will ensure that such website conforms with World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A and Level AA (except for the exclusions set out in the IASR) as required by the AODA.
B. Feedback, Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
Status: Complete
The Company:
- Has a statement about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports on its website and, upon request, provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats.
- Ensure that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports, upon request.
- In the event the Company makes public safety information available to the public, provides it in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports as soon as practicable upon request.
Employment Standards
Status: Complete
The Company meets its obligations in respect of accessible employment under the IAS as follows:
A. Recruitment
- On Ontario job postings, the Company specifies that accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities.
- The Company informs applicants selected to participate in an assessment or selection process that accommodations are available during the recruitment process, upon request and consults with the applicant to arrange for suitable accommodation.
- The Company notifies a successful applicant, when making offers of employment, of the Company’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
B. Informing Employees of Supports
- The Company informs new hires of the Company’s policies to support employees with disabilities and keeps employees up to date on changes to these policies.
- Upon request from an employee with a disability, and further to consultation with the employee, the Company provides for suitable accessible formats and communication supports for information needed by the employee to perform their job, and/or information that is generally available to employees.
C. Documented Individual Accommodation Plans/Return to Work Process
The Company:
- Has developed a written process for the development of individual accommodation plans.
- Develops and documents a return to work process for employees who have been absent due to a disability and require accommodation on return.
- Prepares individual accommodation plans on request from an employee with a disability who is disabled by a barrier in the workplace, which contains the prescribed requirements as set out in the IAS.
D. Performance Management and Career Development
The Company:
- Takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans when engaging in performance management processes.
- Takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans when considering career development and advancement opportunities of employees with disabilities.
- Takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans if engaging in deployment.
E. Accessible Formats and Communication Supports
- Upon request of an employee with a disability, the Company provides or arranges for accessible formats and communication supports for information needed by the employee to perform their job, and information generally available to employees in the workplace.
F. Individualized Workplace Emergency Response Information
- Where necessary, the Company, as soon as practicable, provides individualized workplace emergency response information specific to an employee if the Company becomes aware that, in the event of a workplace emergency, the employee may face special risks or challenges due disability. The Company reviews the response information as required by the IAS.
Built Environment
In the event the Company builds off-street parking facilities or is constructing new service counters, waiting areas, or queuing guides, such space shall be designed and built in accordance with all accessibility requirements of the AODA and applicable building legislation.
Last updated: August 13, 2024
Next review date: August 13, 2029